An ode to the autumnal equinox and and the lengthening of shadows
This text is marvelous. It just stands there, and is beautiful to read and listen to. I have a question though — two households, both alike in dignity, but to which king do you belong?
Such a good question. More Holly than Oak most days. What about you?
(I’m really glad you enjoyed both hearing and reading. Thank you so much 💛)
I belong to the Winter Family and the Holly King (You did so well 🖤).
I really liked this
Aw, thank you! This was a fun one to write. I love the mythos of the oak king and holly king - so much there to play with ☺️
This text is marvelous. It just stands there, and is beautiful to read and listen to. I have a question though — two households, both alike in dignity, but to which king do you belong?
Such a good question. More Holly than Oak most days. What about you?
(I’m really glad you enjoyed both hearing and reading. Thank you so much 💛)
I belong to the Winter Family and the Holly King (You did so well 🖤).
I really liked this
Aw, thank you! This was a fun one to write. I love the mythos of the oak king and holly king - so much there to play with ☺️