Hello, deer.

This is Stag Literature, providing slow-burn smut that doesn’t suck. If you’re after a quick wank this probably isn’t the place for you but, hey, who am I to decide?


Stag films have a taboo history, but Stag Literature doesn’t have to (and, unlike stag films, this is not a guys-only space - “Doe Literature” just didn’t have quite the same ring to it). Have feedback? Post a comment! Been fantasizing about something you’d like to see in writing? I’d love your suggestions! Don’t be afraid to share your ruminations.

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Even if you don’t pay to subscribe, becoming a free subscriber warms the cockles of my little kinky heart (COCKles, get it? See, that’s just the sort of world-class punning you would be emotionally supporting).

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Stay sexcellent. (I’m sorry, I can’t help it)


Subscribe to Maia Woodhouse

✨ Humor | Adventure | Erotica 🌶 (not necessarily in that order)


I write erotica, true stories, and am currently working on a dark fantasy epic (working title: Snøgud). Hope to see you around 💛